November 24th, 2011

Initial treatment for fecal incontinence usually includes dietary management and medication to stop diarrhoea. This may be followed by pelvic floor muscle training and anal sphincter training. If these treatments fail, surgery may be needed.

But a new procedure is now available using endoscopic heat therapy. This treatment is called Secca Therapy. It is NICE approved, a day case procedure, a one-off treatment, low risk and minimally invasive.

Carried out by surgeons across the UK, here at Fico Centre we will arrange appointments for you. Have a further read on our website click here and call us for further information.


November 23rd, 2011

“You have a lot on your plate caring for a new baby, your body has gone through massive changes over the last nine months and now you are suffering from a condition commonly known as Faecal Incontinence. You have done your research, but don’t really fancy taking this up with your doctor and your quality of life  is pretty low…”


This is a familiar scenario for many new mums either directly post birth or even a few months later. The pelvic floor muscle has taken a pounding resulting in loss of anal sphincter control leading to unwanted release of stool or gas.


The good news is there is help at hand… Secca Therapy is a minimally invasive and effective treatment that bridges the gap between conservative therapies and invasive surgery or implants for bowel control disorder (BCD).

Here at Fico Centre, we can help you by arranging appointments for treatments across the UK.


Please have a read of the information on our website here and if you would like to discuss further with a surgeon our contact details are listed there.



November 22nd, 2011

Studies suggest that in the UK ‘major fecal incontinence’ affects 1.4% of the general population over 40 years old and that fecal incontinence is significantly associated with a ‘quality of life’…

Unfortunately, this means that there are many people who are quietly suffering in silence, and unable to live their life as they would wish. The overriding fear of bowl dysfunction is distressing … but a problem that Fico Centre can help with.

It is important that this topic is brought into the open and an awareness generated of a treatment called Secca. This minimally invasive procedure is now available through us, we arrange appointments with surgeons at locations across the UK.

Please visit our website here for our contact details.


November 21st, 2011

Because Faecal Incontinence (FI) can cause embarrassment, fear and loneliness, taking steps to deal with it is important. Treatment can dramatically improve quality of life and help people with FI feel better about themselves.

Click here for further information on how the Secca Treatments work.

The best news is that here at Fico Centre we arrange appointments for you – available at locations throughout the UK. Talk to us now and change the quality of your life for the better. – Fico Centre (Pages)



November 17th, 2011

Faecal incontinence is usually attributed to pelvic-floor denervation of striated muscle or direct sphincter trauma.

If you develop fecal/bowl control disorder, there is a good chance that you can help the symptoms with pelvic floor exercises. The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that wrap around the underside of the bladder and rectum. When the muscle is weakened the bowel movements and stool control are affected resulting in anal leakage.

Pelvic floor exercises are also useful to prevent incontinence particularly for women who have had children.

Click here for some exercises you can try.




November 16th, 2011

Sometimes, all that is needed to control Fecal Incontinence is good management of your diet.

By adjusting what you eat, the consistency of the stool and how quickly it passes through the digestive system, can be helped.

Some tips are:

. avoid gas producing foods (beans, cabbage etc)

. foods high in fat and large meals can trigger symptoms

. certain sweeteners, honey and also some fruits are poorly absorbed

. avoid caffeine, fried foods, spicy foods and alcohol

Of course if wind, constipation and anal leakage are still presenting a problem then the SECCA procedure may be for you. A one-off treatment arranged by us here at FicoCentre is available throughout the UK. Please call us or email us for further details.


November 15th, 2011

The more you understand, the more you can make considered decisions…

One question on your mind could be …The Fico (Secca) Procedure … what is it and how does it work for the treatment of Faecal Incontinence?

This 60 minute treatment, one-off procedure,  involves the delivery of radio frequency energy to the muscles in the anal canal, which results in an alteration in tissue structure and improves incontinence symptoms. This outpatient is usually performed in an endoscopy suite  and patients go home approximately 1-2 hours after the procedure and typically resume normal activities within several days.

This procedure is NICE approved, please visit our Clinical Studies link on this website for further reading.




November 14th, 2011

Type 2 diabetes can increase the risk and severity of fecal incontinence.

Faecal incontinence can be caused by damage to the nerves that sense stool in the rectum or to those that control the anal sphincter. Diseases such as diabetes can affect these nerves and cause damage that leads to fecal incontinence.

The good news is that Secca Therapy is an innovative treatment option for patients suffering from FI; find further information on FI, Secca Therapy Treatment and contact details for Appointments on our website.




November 11th, 2011

Bowl Control Disorder, Faecal Incontinence, FI …whatever the name used to describe this condition… it is a worrying and depressing problem for many.

Let’s take one reason for the onset of Fecal Incontinence : Anorectal surgery, such as haemorrhoid repair. This can damage the muscles and nerves of the rectum and anus that work together to hold and release stool, resulting in involuntary excretion and leaking.

The good news is that Secca Treatment has no implants, incisions or stitches and is an effective form of out-patient treatment. Please do contact us through our website for further information.


November 10th, 2011

Suffering from bowl incontinence and involuntary excretion is an embarrassing but curable condition.

Caused by many differing factors; child birth, weakening of muscle tone in the anus and rectum and anal damage through surgery, it is more common than you might think but, sadly, often suffered in silence.

SECCA is a 60 minute, day-case procedure and here at Fico Centre we can arrange an out-patient appointment at one of our Fico Centres throughout the UK.

If you, or anybody you know may benefit from this Secca Treatment please do get in touch with us.